Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Drilling and Teaching ... So Busy!

Hi everyone!

We are doing well and haven't had any major sicknesses thus far!

The health team finished a 2-day seminar at St. Luke's church in Bweyale. We had over 80 people between the 2 days and over 60 children. They all heard about God's purpose and will for sexuality, the basics about human reproduction, and water safety and nutrition. They also visited the Masindi Kitara Medical Clinic that opened a year ago. They have an amazing staff that all seek the Lord ... absolutely beautiful! The health team will do some teachings for the staff on Thursday and Saturday.

The Water team has been up in Kiriandongo. The Ugandan drilling team started drilling a well prior to our arrival. They haven't been able to drill as quickly as they would like so they are hoping to get water today, get some casing in and finish that well today. The team is planning to mobilize to a new location tomorrow.

Each evening we have a special time of Bible Study and prayer ... it's been a very sweet time that the team has valued and it has kept Scripture and God's truth on our hearts.

Continue to pray for all of us:
- It is very hot here! And dry ... so you tend to not realize you're dehydrated until the headache has kicked in .... please pray for our stamina.
- The wells .... that we are able to find water quickly and the team can reach its goal! But we know that God has specific things He is doing every day with those that surround the well site!
- Jeremiah Orphan Day on Friday - that we could get as many students as possible to join us for a special day to get updates and pictures of the children.
- CEED Team Travels - they will be traveling tomorrow and Thursday to arrive in Hoima ... please pray for safe travels!

Thank you for your prayers!

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