Monday, January 9, 2012

CCGF Uganda Missions 2012

What a way to start off the New Year! We are partnering with CEED ( to spend the next 19 days traveling to Uganda to repair and put in new clean water wells in the Masindi area. The church did an amazing job raising funds during the Easter season that is going towards repairing 17 wells and build 6 new wells! In addition, we will teach about clean water, basic health, and sexual reproduction in the villages we visit. We will be devoting a day to spend with our Jeremiah Orphan Ministry kids and our Adopt-A-Pastors. Clearly, we have a lot to do while we are there ... still being open to whatever God will have us do --- who we will meet along the way; the visitations to new places; etc.

Please pray for us over the next two days. We will be traveling a total of 26 hours between flights and layovers just to get to Kampala on 1/11. From there, we will have a nice, long car ride to Masindi on the 12th to arrive at our hotel. Our work sites will begin on the 13th!

Please pray specifically for:
- HEALTH! We've got folks dealing with back pain, foot injuries, and more
- Awareness: that we are aware of our surroundings;
- Openness: and that we would be open to seeing not just the immediate need, but what is needed for long-term change

We hope to update the blog so please feel free to leave comments and encouragements for the team!

I will post the schedule of our time there tomorrow while we wait to board the plane!

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