We had a great first day, everyone!
With only a few spurts of rain, we were able to get one roof off, half a house primed for painting, interior house primed, tree branches cut from power lines, a porch leveled, and the beginning process of replacing windows in full-swing!
The team, of course, went to the infamous Dairy King for ice cream and debriefing tonight. We saw God in so many ways from young children opening up at VBS to hearing about Juanita's husband and their life together of 56 years before he passed 1 year ago today. It is true ... we may coe to be a blessing, but we sure are the ones who are blessed!
Please pray that the weather holds out so we may continue making swift progress on the roofing projects, for continued team unity, and that God may open our eyes to see what He is doing in Philippi and how we may get in the flow of that!
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